Katrina Brown

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Name: Katrina Brown
Position/Title: Owner
Business/Employer: Katrina Brown Nutrition
Business Area: Entrepreneur/Small Business
Email: hello@katrinabrownnutrition.com.au
Phone: 0408362044


As a Nutritional Medicine Practitioner, Healthy Cook and Recipe Developer with a passion for education and natural whole food, Katrina Brown has a proven track record helping clients obtain their health goals.

Katrina's sessions are personalised, targeted and integrative to set you on the path to long term health and vitality. No gimmicks, quick fixes or magic pills. Just relatable advice and real food.

Through her previous careers in Health Science and the Tourism and Events industry, she combined her passions into a career that sees her sharing her experience and knowledge with others.

2021 has seen Katrina write her first recipe book, "Kids healthy Lunchbox snacks", and she is madly working away on "7-Day Sparkle", a Nutritionists guide to wellness and weight loss.

In between seeing clients, Katrina enjoys speaking engagements for local and corporate businesses and community health groups, schools and fitness businesses.