Jenny Nechvatal

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Name: Jenny Nechvatal
Position/Title: Owner
Business/Employer: Innovate Support Coordination
Business Area: Other Services
Phone: 0447 604 180

Advocating for people with a disability is a lived experience, ensuring my children received the support and therapy they required to reach their full potential while living a fulfilled life led our family on a 16 year journey of seeking and accessing support services for my children and our family.

Thirty two years of experience teaching in the Early Childhood sector, supporting children to reach their full potential, recognising individual strengths and interests as the basis of my teaching flows into supporting clients in the role of Support Coordinator. Connecting families with services in the community and my wide knowledge of therapy services available within the local community assists me in supporting and connecting clients to services that meet their individual needs.

Thinking outside the box has ensured my children engage in experiences that meet their interests and abilities to engage within their local community. They are surrounded by a team that supports them; my children’s needs are at the centre of any decisions that are made. 

Supporting clients to dream big, be innovative and acknowledge their unique qualities leads to an enriched life which is the right of every person.

3Cristy Houghton